>> Thursday, July 22, 2004

Elastic Man a.k.a. Mat Pit tadak class!

Do you remember one of the superheroes that has elastic hands, which enable him to catch the crooks no matter how far they are? What's the name? Elastic Man?

Whatever his name is, Malaysians should be proud and honored to have such superheroes in the country too.

Hoh? What? Where? Who?

Yup, we have superheroes with soopah doopah natural powers and abilities in the country. Except that they are no superheroes in term of moral. I supposed they are everywhere around Malaysia, but we have one for sure at my apartment.

How do I know about their existence, eh?

Because last night, as I reached out for the soap to do my laundry, I discovered that few boxes of toothpaste (16 to be exact) and my toolbox of screws and kepala paip was missing from its rack in the utility room, which is located next to the corridor. After interrogating Adha and Mat Tabligh as if they were the guilty one, they said they never took that much boxes of toothpaste and they didn't have anything to do with the toolbox.

So, I figured, it must be the Elastic Man job.


You never thought that someone could steal your supplies of tooth paste, didn't you? You and I thought wrong.

Nothing is impossible nowadays. Next, they steal your mop and penyapu. And tong sampah too.


We really need one Polis Angkasa Gaban here in Vista Angkasa.


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