Post OIAM3.

>> Saturday, May 02, 2009

OK so I'm a hard die fan of OIAM3 :-p

And of course, Tomok :-p

Tomok? I know! He was so euww back then, kan? But the new Tomok, sheer coolness.

I just love his dramatic singing and moves. Love his coolness in flipping that mic so effortlessly. Last night, when he swing that mic stand round and round as fast as the music, I was like, OK wow you totally got me.

And yes, I almost cried when he was announced the winner, had my husband not entered the room at that moment to watch it with me :-p

Undeniably the best reality TV results ever in Malaysia.

For the last time, ABANG TOMOK!!!!! --> saja main2kan cik abang aku yang anti Tomok hahaha.


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